Humic Acids are large organic molecules that result from the long-term decomposition of plant matter within soils. RMBA Humic Acid Granules for plants are a blend of humic compounds sourced from ancient plant deposits in New Mexico. They include both insoluble humates and soluble humic and fulvic compounds. The resulting product is a high quality natural soil conditioner that increases water storage capacity, cation exchange rates, and improves overall soil structure.
Product Benefits
- Humin, Humic acids, and fulvic acids for use in soils and plants in agriculture and horticulture
- Improves many key soil attributes such as: Soil carbon levels, soil clumping, friability (softness of the soil), water holding capacity, cation exchange rates, and other factors of healthy soils.
- Improves Germination rate of seeds
- Increases root growth
- Aids in plant uptake of nutrients
- Supports the micro and microorganisms of a healthy soil food web
- Acts as a neutral buffer to condition both acidic and alkali soils