
    Soil Sampling

    Soil sampling is the process of obtaining a representative sample of soil for analysis. It is a critical step in creating a soil management plan for any given area. Sampling soil is important for a variety of reasons, including determining soil fertility, identifying nutrient deficiencies or toxicities, and determining the need for soil amendments.

    Soil sampling should be done when soil moisture is optimal, typically a few days after rainfall. It is important to take samples from a range of depths, from the surface to at least 6 inches deep, to capture a true representation of the soil's makeup. It is also critical to avoid sampling areas with different soil types or management histories.

    Experts recommend testing soil samples once every year to monitor changes in soil quality and nutrient levels over time. With proper soil sampling techniques and timely testing, an accurate assessment of soil health can be obtained, leading to more optimized soil management and increased crop yields.

    Our Soil Tests include:
    • Analysis performed by International Ag Labs
    • Soil Sample Field Data Sheet
    • Ziploc bag for sample
    • Shipping box with pre-paid shipping label for sample

    Healthy soil impacts your lawn, garden, or farm, and Rocky Mountain BioAg® is happy to assist you in understanding what your soil needs. RMBA is dedicated to providing consumers with the best in organic soil care.
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